The old cotton curtains we hung when we moved in 20 years ago are just disintegrating and my sis had sent me a box of lace bolt ends from where she works with a designer. There was enough to do the dining room and one of the parlor windows, although we stretched it to cover both windows for now. So I've sent my sis these pictures and asked, "Please, may I have more?" Here's hoping!
The dining room.
The parlor.
And I've been crocheting some quick doily/coaster sets. The little pineapple doily takes about 5 hours and the coasters take a little over an hour each. I can even do them without the pattern now. That's a first for me! Won't tell who they're for in case they peek. :o) One more set I think and then I need to knit something. My yarn is fussing at me and I feel it.
Oh the little rainbow coaster is for one of my SIL's kitties who likes to carry around dainty things. Maybe I'll soak it in catnip. LOL!
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