Mittens is also very affectionate but very shy. She has a comfy place on top of a storage box under the bed and comes out whenever I go to the bathroom, or go to the side of the bed and call her. Sometimes she will also hop up on the bed if there isn't any other kitty there. If there IS another kitty on the bed she will become a gray streak! She delights in playing with the little fur mousies we have an abundance of. I've found them in the bathroom and on the rug next to the bed so I know she plays when I'm not there. And we always keep food and water in the bathroom so she's not loosing any weight. But I haven't caught her on camera yet. Soon I hope!
I have permission from the publisher to show what I will have in her next Friendly Socks book, Volume 3 I think. The patterns will represent the States in the order they joined the Union. The first State is Delaware and that's me! Delaware's State plant is Holly.
Just a peek now! :o)
Just got 3 knitting books I've wanted for a long time. I especially waited for Wrapped In Comfort by Alison Jeppson Hyde (I knew her when :o) for what seems like a year but VERY much worth the wait! The other 2 are wonderful books too. Nicky Epstein's 3rd book, Knitting Beyond the Edge, cuffs, collars, necklines, corners, edges and closures has given me SO many ideas! Especially the closures, some I've wanted to learn for a long time. And Knit 2 Together by Tracy Ullman & Mel Clark. I must say that seeing some of the things from the book in the Knit Picks catalogues really made me want the book. I am going to make the Doctor's Bag and some slippers and a few other things... someday. I have a long list!
On the same day a birthday package came from my cyber-twin (and publisher). Two beautiful skeins of Lorna's Laces in my favorite baby pink that they call "Whisper" and a pattern for some lovely socks.
And a week or so ago I got the cotton yarn for my niece's lace dress, the one on the cover of IK. Mary loves yellow and this is such a nice shade for her. It's Knit Picks Shine Sport.
So, I'm almost finished with Alex's second sock. I will never do socks one at a time again! Even if the cable is too short!
Time to go to bed! Nighty night all!
1 comment:
Oooh! Oooh! I've seen that book in the middle before, I really like it! (grin) Thank you for the kind words!
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