Tomorrow is my birthday so today has been rolled together with tomorrow. I don't mind so much but I can see why Christmas babies feel sort of cheated. Anyway... at 7:30am, the middle of the night for this old night owl, the doorbell rang and there was our old family friend, Sam, with 3 grocery bags full of goodies for me. A gallon jar of pickles, a half pound Hershey bar with almonds, some movies and more, and a darling little bunny.
Alex surprised me with my favorite sugar free chocolate turtles, a beautiful German chocolate cake and a gorgeous cake dome to keep it in. I've always wanted one and last March we gave the same one to his sister for her birthday. He must have seen the wistful look on my face, bless his heart.
Here's my handsome hubby, Alex.
And here is little Penelope (Penny) watching all the goings on from her safe place on top of the refrigerator.
So it has been a good day. Tomorrow our pride of little lions will be joined by 2 grown kitties that need a new home. The family who are forced by a heartless landlord to give them up will be staying for dinner so it should be a nice evening. This lady is a friend from another group (Treadleon) and she has been to my house before. So I am honored to be chosen as the new family for her 2 very loved kitties. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. But they can be seen here.
Good night friends!
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