Thursday, November 03, 2005

Languishing Lyra

While my mystery yarn socks are waiting for the rescue yarn to come, I am finally getting back to my languishing Lyra. While it was sitting, under everything else on my desk, the tip protectors came off and a *bunch* of stitches slipped off of both needles! Aaaargh! It took forever to get things back to where they should have been but I am finally making progress again.

To solve the tip protector problem I found some little plastic doohickeys that work great. They are used to put a screw into a sheetrock wall and expand behind the wall as you put in the screw. But they also fit perfectly and firmly on the end of fine needles!

Spent most of today cleaning out an old chest freezer that is going out the door tomorrow. Yay! I live with a genetic pack rat and the house is very visible evidence. But the freezer too?!? Anybody like persimmons? I have TONS! One of his gardening clients has a persimmon tree and Alex has to bring loads of them home every year and squirrel them away in the freezer. And a tree load of Gravenstein apples. And I found enough rye bread to keep a deli going for a couple of days. And whole fishes right out of the Bay. And tons of blackberries off our thicket before the City cut it down to do some work in the alley. And plastic containers with mystery stuff. And tomatoes from back when we actually had room to grow them ourselves. I'm going to make blackberry jam and tomato paste and apple sauce and probably some mystery soups. :o)

And his sister, Mary, has been active in Rainbow Girls for years. Every time they made Lumpia for an event they put a few bags in our freezer. Half our freezer was full of Lumpia and bagels and giant pretzels. I told her to call the Masons and tell them to have a feast.

A new side-by-side is coming tomorrow and it *will* be neat and tidy and organized! I am in a clean-it-out-and-get-organized mode and seem to have been building up to it all year. Mr. pack rat is worried.

1 comment:

Laura said...

hey there
freezer sounds sooooo fun!
first yes to persimmons, except
i don't know what to do with them.
second, what is lumpia? fish?
duuuh. sorry.